First things first. Consider khaki and a navy-colored loose-fitting jacket (the color of a naval officer’s uniform), a win-win option with a polo shirt, t-shirt and oxfords. You can dress this way for any occasion except a formal dinner. Also keep in mind that if you’re further than 10 meters from the pool pool, it’s a good idea to throw on something like a shirt.
Daytime closet guide. Shorts are an almost universal choice (sporty versions are good for the pool area, knee-length is ideal for indoors). Jeans and khaki casuals are also acceptable. T-shirts and sport shirts can be worn almost anywhere.
On shore. Too much casual style in clothing (frank T-shirts, distressed jeans, athletic wear) can be inappropriate in some places. Let’s face it. You will be much more welcomed in restaurants and stores if you are well dressed. Although for outdoor activities or the beach, the ultra-casual style is fine.
Evenings. You can pack a tuxedo if you’re in the mood, it makes for a cool photo shoot! But, it should be noted, tuxedos are rapidly being supplanted by business suits at formal events. On some ships, you can rent a tuxedo. We would recommend that you bring a suit and tie, because some restaurants on ships are so elegant (Celebrity’s, for example) that you’ll feel out of place without this set. And don’t forget that shoes must also be sure to match. On the other hand, khaki clothes will look good enough at informal parties.
Unisex closet
Sweaters and jackets. Fall in love with layering. Even in Hawaii, there are rainy days, and you’ll probably want to have a raincoat or sweater in your closet at a time like this. And sailing to Alaska seems like a must-have – everything from a swimsuit and short-sleeve tops to a warm fleece jacket, hat and gloves. The same goes for cruises around Cape Horn in South America. Instead of taking lots of clothes for different temperatures, take a cardigan or jacket to throw on top if it gets colder.
Headwear. Throw a hat in your suitcase so you don’t inadvertently get sunstroke, and if you’re going on a scenic glacier cruise, a warm hat is essential. Don’t forget sunglasses. You can also include headbands, bandanas, and scarves if the situation or style demands it.
Shoes. Ladies especially should try not to stuff their entire suitcase with shoes. Opt for multifunctional models, which can serve a variety of purposes (for example, sneakers, which are suitable for the gym, and for sightseeing, sandals, will look good by the pool, and at an evening in the style of casual). Try to compose your formal outfits so that you only need one pair of shoes to match them.